Our Locals

supporting local

We are local, we support each other

We have used locals wherever possible as we have done the work necessary to re-open.  The following tradespeople and all-round excellent individuals have both put themselves out, in terms of prioritising the Bax as we got ready to re-open, but also done some excellent work too.  We heartily recommend and thank them all.


Ricky Heasman from R&R Carpentry.  He’s based in Christs Hospital and as well as producing us some lovely new table tops and refurbishing the bar top, designed and built the new back bar display unit – which we love.  Ricky’s number is 07833 458865.

Rick Hamilton – also a carpenter, based in Southwater. We met entirely by accident in the car park outside the Co-op, but he has done two bits of brilliant work for us in the restaurant, both at short notice.  He’s a star – and his number is 07966 287580.

Daryn Benn is a plumber, local and a brilliant chap.  Once again, his speed of response to both come to the pub, but more importantly to get things sorted, was excellent, as was the quality of his work.  07905 276510.

Gary Aldrige is a painter and decorator, and from Southwater. He stepped in at no notice to decorate the Bax room (the function room at the Bax) and some other bits throughout the pub. Always smiling, but more importantly, excellent – no masking tape but absolutely no smudges had us in awe.  07710 226815.

we are closed until spring 2025 to carry out updates and refurbishments.

Please follow us on social media for updates on our progress with this.

We look forward to welcoming you back to The Bax Castle in due course.